Jumat, 26 September 2014

Resep Martabak Manis Keju ,Coklat,Dan Cara Membuatnya

Mungkin banyak di antara teman teman yang belum pernah mendengar makanan Terang Bulan tetapi kalau Martabak Manis pasti hampir semuanya sudah pernah merasakan kelezatan panganan yang satu ini. Selain banyak penjualnya, makanan satu ini juga disukai banyak orang dikarenakan kelembutannya dan rasa nya yang cukup manis. Memang ada banyak sekali variasi makanan ini, seperti Kue Martabak Manis Bandung, Martabak Manis Bangka atau Martabak Manis Keju. Tetapi hampir semua variasi Resep Martabak Manis di atas mempunyai bahan bahan dasar dan cara membuatnya pun hampir sama. Mungkin perbedaannya hanya di campuran isi atau beberapa bahan tambahan lain.
Seperti cara membuat resep Martabak Manis ncc dan Martabak Holand, membuat martabak manis juga bisa ditambah dengan berbagai macam bahan isian untuk menambah kelezatannya, seperti kacang, coklat, potongan kecil kacang mete atau parutan keju. Sebelum memulai proses membuat martabak nya, sebaiknya terlebih dahulu disiapkan alat alat masaknya dan bahan pembuat Kue Martabak Manisnya, seperti tepung terigu, wajan teflon, wadah untuk mencampur adonannya, tepung terigu, margarin, telur dan yang lainnya. Salah satu kunci penting untuk membuat panganan satu ini adalah ukuran ragi instant dan baking powernya. Oke sekarang saya akan memberikan beberapa tips cara membuat Resep Martabak Manis dan bahan bahan yang digunakan.
cara membuat resep martabak manis
cara membuat resep martabak manis keju

Bahan bahan Resep Martabak Manis Keju

  1. Bahan utama yang diperlukan adalah 500 gram Tepung Terigu. Gunakan tepung yang biasanya untuk membuat kue basah, bukan yang untuk membuat gorengan.
  2. 3 butir telur ayam ukuran kecil atau 2 butir telur ayam ukuran besar di kocok terlebih dahulu.
  3. 1 sendok besar atau sendok makan margarin. Panas dan lelehkan sampai mencair.
  4. 125 gram gula pasir warna putih.
  5. 600 mililiter Air masak atau air mineral kemasan.
  6. Setengah sendok kecil garam dan ragi instant.
  7. Satu sendok kecil atau sendok teh baking powder.
  8. Seperempat sendok kecil atau secukupnya pasta vanili.
  9. Bahan tambahan yang dibutuhkan sesuai selera, seperti susu kental manis, keju, coklat butir, kacang, sedikit wijen, gula pasir dan sedikit margarin buat olesan.

Cara membuat Martabak Manis

  1. Pertama kali kita harus membuat adonan yang akan digunakan untuk membuat kue martabaknya.
  2. Ambil satu wadah ukuran sedang, masukkan 1/2 kg tepung terigu yang sudah dipersiapkan dan campur dengan 125 gram gula pasir, setengah sendok kecil garam dan ragi instant. Aduk dan campur semua bahan tersebut sampai tercampur dengan sempurna.
  3. Masukkan 3 butir telur ayam ukuran kecil atau 2 butir ukuran besar ke dalam adonan di atas. Aduk kembali sampai tercampur sempurna.
  4. Masukkan 1/4 sendok teh pasta vanili dan margarin cair.
  5. Sedikit demi sedikit air masak diatas sambil tetap diaduk pelan pelan. Pastikan tidak ada gumpalan yang tertinggal.
  6. Mixer adonan di atas untuk memastikan semua bahan tercampur menjadi satu. Gunakan level kecepatan sedang sekitar 5 menit sampai 7 menit.
  7. Masukkan satu sendok teh baking powder nya. Aduk pelan pelan menggunakan spatula sampai rata. Diamkan adonan tadi kurang lebih sekitar 35 menit sampai 40 menit. Tutup adonan tersebut supaya hasil martabak manis kejunya nanti tidak bantet dan bisa mengembang.

Cara memasak Martabak manis resep yang benar

  1. Pertama tama siapkan wajan teflon anti lengket berbentuk lingkaran dan panaskan dengan api sedang. olesi sedikit margarin di atas wajan untuk memastikan hasil jadi martabaknya nanti tidak lengket.
  2. Ambil adonan tadi yang sudah didiamkan sekitar 40 menit. Ambil secukupnya (sekitar 125-135 gram) dan tuang kedalam wajan teflon tadi. Ratakan adonan ke dalam teflonnya, tutup wajan tadi begitu adonan sudah mengeluarkan gelembung gelembung kecil di tengahnya.
  3. Sekitar 12 menit sampai 15 menit cek apakah martabaknya sudah matang.
  4. Angkat martabak tadi pelan pelan jangan sampai pecah atau sobek. Taruh di atas piring yang cukup besar.
  5. Olesi kulit dalamnya dengan sedikit margarin untuk membantu bahan isi yang lain bisa lengket ke dalam kue nya.
  6. Taburi dengan sedikit gula, kacang, parutan keju, potongan pisang atah bahan tambahan lain sesuai selera. Kalau anda suka manis, bisa ditambahkan sedikit susu kental manis di atas bahan bahan isi tersebut.
  7. Lipat martabak nya menjadi bentuk setengah lingkaran. Olesi kembali kulit luarnya menggunakan margarin supaya rasa nya tambah gurih.
Selesai dan siap untuk disantap. Ternyata cara membuat Resep Martabak Manis Keju Coklatnya tidak sesulit yang kita bayangkan kan. Selain anda bisa berkreasi dengan mempadu padangkan isian martabaknya, membuat martabak manis sendiri juga bisa menghemat anggaran kita lho. Tentu saja memang lebih praktis kalau membeli langsung ke penjual Martabak NCC atau martabak bangka nya secara langsung. Tetapi kalau anda lagi libur atau kebetulan banyak saudara yang datang ke rumah, membuat sendiri Resep Martabak ini juga seru dan bisa menambah keakraban. Selain resep di atas, tidak ada salah nya juga anda mencoba membuat Martabak Mie Sosis Sapi atau cara membuat Resep Bika Ambon Medan.

Resep Mie Ayam Baso Khas Wonogiri Enak

Resep Kuliner Nusantara Mie Ayam Bakso Wonogiri – sebelumnya kita telah membahas banyak beberapa kuliner khas nusantara yang bisa anda coba seperti sate khas padang dan lainnya. Nah sekarang kita pindah ke kota wonogiri, disana terdapat banyak kuliner khas yang bisa kita cicipi salah satunya adalah Mie Ayam Bakso.
Mie Ayam Bakso wonogiri
Mie Ayam Bakso adalah masakan yang biasa saja tapi di kota ini terkenal dengan bakso wonogirinya tak bisa dipungkiri rasa bakso wonogiri yang lezat dan nikmat yang selalu membuat orang kangen dengan kota tersebut dari segi kulinernya, ditambah dengan masakan khas mie ayam baksonya, yang akan kita praktekan untuk membuatnya hari ini.
Berikut ini adalah bahan dan bumbu yang perlu anda siapkan sebelum membuat Mie Ayam Bakso, catat dan segeralah anda beli ke pasar atau toko terdekat dari rumah anda.
  • 500 gram mi ayam siap pakai, diseduh
  • 15 buah bakso sapi, direbus
  • 8 tangkai caisim, diseduh
Untuk membuat rasa mie ayam bakso nikmat adalah dari bahan minyak ayamnya, berikut ini bahan yang anda butuhkan.
Bahan Minyak Ayam:
  • 100 gram kulit ayam
  • 3 siung bawang putih, dicincang halus
  • 1 sendok makan minyak goreng
Bahan Tumisan:
  • 3 siung bawang putih, dicincang halus
  • 8 butir bawang merah, dicincang halus
  • 3 lembar daun jeruk, dibuang tulangnya
  • 250 gram paha ayam fillet, dipotong kotak kecil
  • 100 gram jamur merang, diiris
  • 1 sendok makan kecap manis
  • 1/2 sendok makan kecap asin
  • 1/4 sendok teh kaldu ayam bubuk
  • 1 sendok teh maizena dan 1 sendok teh air, dilarutkan
  • 250 ml kaldu ayam
  • 1 batang daun bawang, diiris
  • 1 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis
Bahan Kuah (rebus):
  • 750 ml kaldu ayam
  • 2 siung bawang putih, digoreng, dimemarkan
  • 1/2 sendok makan garam
  • 1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 1/4 sendok teh kaldu ayam bubuk
  • 1/4 sendok teh gula pasir
Bahan Pelengkap:
  • 2 sendok makan bawang merah goreng
  • 2 batang daun bawang kecil, diiris
  • 5 sendok makan saus sambal
Setelah semua bahan dan bumbu diatas anda siapkan kita masuk ke tahap pembuatannya dan berikut ini adalah langkahnya.

Cara membuat Mie Ayam Bakso :

  1. Pertama untuk Minyak ayam, panaskan minyak dan kulit ayam. lalu masak sampai kering dan keluar minyaknya. kemudian masukkan bawang putih dan bawang merah. terkahir anda aduk sampai harum. Sisihkan. Ukur sebanyak 50 ml.
  2. Kedua untuk Tumisan,pertama anda tumis bawang putih, bawang merah, dan daun jeruk sampai harum. Kemudian masukkan ayam. lalu anda aduk sampai berubah warna dan juga anda tambahkan jamur. Aduk rata.
  3. Ketiga langkanya anda masukkan kecap manis, kecap asin, garam, merica, dan gula. kemudian aduk rata. Lalu anda tuang kaldu. Masak sampai mendidih. Kentalkan dengan maizena. Aduk rata. Tambahkan daun bawang. Aduk rata. Angkat.
  4. Ke Empat anda masukkan 1 sendok teh minyak ayam, 1/2 sendok teh kecap asin, dan 1/8 sendok teh merica bubuk dalam mangkuk. kemudian anda aduk-aduk. lalu anda tambahkan mi ayam yang sudah diseduh. Aduk rata kembali. Terakhir anda tambahkan caisim juga bakso dan Sendokkan tumisan ayam.
  5. Sajikan bersama kuah dan pelengkapnya ketika menyajikan Mie Ayam Bakso.
Resep ini dibuat Mie Ayam Bakso Wonogiri untuk 5 porsi, sekian dari kami hari ini, semoga anda dengan adanya situs ini bisa membantu anda untuk menambah menu masakan anda.

Sabtu, 13 September 2014

Resep Spesial Ayam Bakar Saus Tiram (Enak)

Resep Spesial AYAM BAKAR SAUS TIRAMRecipe OYSTER SAUCE GRILLED CHICKEN Special is worth a try to get CUISINE serving delicious and special. Recipe CUISINE menu is presented in 10 pieces. Here is how to cook a special OYSTER SAUCE GRILLED CHICKEN, GRILLED CHICKEN spices and ingredients necessary OYSTER SAUCE style http://rsepmakan.blogspot.com/ 

Materials and Seasoning Recipe GRILLED CHICKEN OYSTER SAUCE Specials 
Materials and spices OYSTER SAUCE GRILLED CHICKEN specials are as follows: 
Main Ingredients: 
1 chicken, cut 10 
8 sheets of orange leaves 
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed 
3 tablespoons soy sauce 
2 tablespoons oyster sauce 
1 tablespoon mushroom soy sauce 
1 tablespoon tomato sauce 
3/4 teaspoon salt 
500 ml of water 
1/2 teaspoon pepper 
2 tablespoons oil for sauteing 
Subtle seasoning: 
3 red chilies 
10 grains of red onion 
2 cloves of garlic 
2 cm ginger 
6 eggs pecans, toasted 
2 cm galangal 
1 teaspoon toasted coriander 

How to make OYSTER SAUCE GRILLED CHICKEN is quite easy. Follow these steps: 

Heat the oil. Saute ground spices with lime leaves and lemongrass until fragrant. 
Add the chicken. Stir until the color changes. Pour the soy sauce, oyster sauce, mushroom soy sauce, tomato sauce, salt, and pepper. Stir until chicken wrapped in spices. 
Pour 1/3 parts of water. Leave to infuse. Add another 1/3 parts of water. Last pour more water. Let fry. 
Grilled until cooked. 
CUISINE above recipe produces 10 slices OYSTER SAUCE GRILLED CHICKEN. With cooking guide OYSTER SAUCE GRILLED CHICKEN above will result in CUISINE serving delicious, and tasty. Please try to make this special creations CUISINE.

Resep Makanan Untuk Balita

Selecting menu everyday dishes for your baby and toddler foods are always faced complex issues, especially for the mother. Not only selected food should be healthy and nutritious, but the problem child's appetite is even more determining whether nutrient entry into the child's body.
Here's a collection of creative collection of recipes as a healthy diet for your toddler, may be helpful:

calories: 357 Kal
protein: 14.5 g
Calcium: 56.2 mg

250 grams of white rice, washed
2 tablespoons margarine
1 pcs onions, chopped
100 gr beef marrow, chopped
600 ml broth
1 tablespoon salt
1 tsp pepper powder
25g parmesan cheese, grated
How to Make Cheese Tim Rice:
Heat margarine, saute onion until fragrant.
Enter marrow cow after it enter the rice and stir well.
Add the stock to be absorbed by the rice, put pepper, salt and cheese, and cook until done. Ready to serve.

80 g rice aron (half-baked)
100 g carrots, grated
50 ounces tomatoes, sliced
50 grams of minced chicken meat
1 egg yolk
salt to taste
sufficient water
How to Make Chicken Rice Team:
Mix all ingredients together
Put it in a heatproof bowl and let the water until everything is submerged
Put into a bowl before risopan and then covered the team until cooked.
Ready to serve.
calories: 310 Kal

40 grams of chicken meat, wash, discard the fat, cut into small
100 gr knows cut into small pieces
200 g potatoes, peeled, cut into small
40 g carrots, peeled, cut into small
120 ml of water
25 grams of broccoli, florets appropriate quotation, cut into small
How to Make Broccoli Potato Porridge:
Insert meat chicken, tofu, potatoes and carrots kadalam pan. Add water and cook until boiling. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes.
Put cooked broccoli in a closed state for 10 minutes or until broccoli is soft, remove from heat.
Put in a blender and puree, pour into a bowl and let cool.
calories: 118 Kal
protein: 5.6 g
Calcium: 163 mg

100 g broccoli, cut into florets each
10 g of parsley, finely chopped
1 tablespoon margarine
1sdm cornstarch
150 ml of milk
50 ounces grated cheese
How to Make Broccoli Cheese Sauce:
Steam the broccoli until tender, set on a plate.
Melt margarine, enter cornstarch gradually while stirring.
Add milk and cheese, stirring until cheese melts and sauce thickens then remove from heat.
Let cool slightly and then pour over the broccoli before serving sprinkle parsley on top.
calories: 156 Kal
protein: 8.6 g
Calcium: 66.5 mg

6 chicken eggs
100 gr grated carrot
1 tomato, thinly sliced
1 stalk spring onion, thinly sliced
100 ml milk
2 tablespoons margarine
5 grains of red onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves of garlic, mashed
1 tsp salt
How to Make Baked Eggs:
Saute onion and garlic with margarine until fragrant. Add the carrots, tomatoes and spring onions then add salt mix well and set aside.
Whisk egg, milk and stir enter and mix well.
Heat the remaining margarine in non-stick skillet. Bake egg mixture while turning until cooked inverted brownish yellow. Remove and cut into pieces before serving.
6. RECIPES omelet ROLL
calories: 104 Kal
protein: 11 g
Calcium: 30 mg

2 eggs, omelet made
1 egg, beaten
100 gr chicken meat, chopped
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 tsp pepper powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
How To Make Omelet Roll:
Combine the chicken, soy sauce, pepper, and salt with beaten egg. After being mixed and then pour over the egg omelet that was made. Neat Roll.
Steamed egg rolls for 15 minutes, remove and let cool and cut into pieces before frying. Remove and serve.
calories: 132 Kal
protein: 5.3 g
Calcium: 33.6 mg

100 grams of red beans, boiled until tender
250 gr beef bones, cut into pieces
1 bay leaf lbr
5 tbsp tamarind water
1 tsp salt
100 grams of cabbage cut into thin strips
1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
1 stalk spring onion, sliced 1 cm
700 ml of water
5 red onions
3 cloves of garlic
4 pieces of red chili
3 eggs hazelnut
2 cm galangal
How to Make:
Boil beef bones with water until the broth.
Enter the ground spices and all ingredients into a stew bone to mature.
Remove and serve.
calories: 120 Kal
protein: 5.8 g
Calcium: 74.4 mg

1300 ml chicken broth
60 g peas, cleaned, cut into pieces
60 g carrots, cut into pieces
4 red onions, thinly sliced
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tbsp chopped celery
1/2 tsp pepper powder
1/2 tsp fine salt
Baso Know:
200 grams of tofu
3 tbsp cornflour
1 tbsp flour
1 egg
3 tablespoons water
40 grams of mushrooms cat, thinly sliced
1/2 tsp fine salt
1 tbsp finely sliced spring onion
Know How to Make Soups Baso:
Meatball know; Combine know smoothed with starch, wheat, celery and salt and mix well. Add eggs, water, and jamur`hingga formed dough that can be rolled. Shape into circles. Boil up to a boil and then set aside floating.
Heat oil and saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Pour in broth and cook until boiling, then enter the meatballs out and other spices and cook until all bahanmatang, lift and serve.
calories: 139 Kal
protein: 16 g
Calcium: 42 mg

250 g squid, washed, sliced
60 grams of corn, shelled
60 grams of carrots, diced
60 g broccoli, cut into florets appropriate
150 ml chicken broth
2 cloves of garlic, mashed
1 tbsp cornflour, thawed
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tsp salt
How to Make Corn Calamari Young Cah:
Saute garlic until fragrant and enter squid. Cook until slightly cooked, add broth and soy sauce to boiling wait.
Enter the other ingredients except flour. Cook until done.
Add flour which has been thawed gradually and cook until thick.
Remove and serve.
calories: 245 Kal
protein: 20.4 g
Calcium: 40.4 mg

500 gr tuna, cut into cubes
2 eggs, beaten off
cooking oil to taste
Combine average:
1 tsp coriander, mashed
2 cm ginger, crushed
1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
3 cloves of garlic, mashed
4 tbsp tamarind water
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tablespoon salt
1/4 tsp pepper
How to Make Fried Tuna Seasoning:
Enter the tuna steaks into materials that have been mixed, and let stand for 30 minutes.
Dip the tuna meat into beaten egg, then fry fish until cooked browned.
Remove and serve.
calories: 285 Kal
protein: 12.4 g
Calcium: 120.5 mg

50 ounces beef, flatten with a meat bat
3 cloves of garlic, mashed
1/2 tsp pepper powder
1 tablespoon soy sauce
50 ounces green beans, cut into pieces
5 pieces of carrots, boiled, cut into pieces
1 egg, beaten
100 gr flour panir
How to Make Meat Roll:
Season the meat that has been flattened with pepper and salt, and place the pieces of green beans and carrots on it.
Roll meat, reinforce with straps. Steam for 10 minutes until the meat hardens, free from the leash.
Dip the meat rolls into beaten egg, then roll up panir flour until smooth in all surfaces of meat.
Fry until cooked and golden browned. Remove and serve.
12. CHICKEN RECIPES potato cakes
calories: 72 Kal
protein: 6.8 g
Calcium: 13.2 mg

250 g potatoes, peeled and steamed
200 grams of chicken, boiled and chopped
50 g carrots, finely grated
1 tbsp fried onions
1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
How to Make Chicken Potato fritters:
Mashed potatoes that have been steamed. Put all ingredients and mix well.
Take the dough and shape according to taste.
Fry until brown yellow.

Jumat, 12 September 2014

3 Most Delicious Tomato Juice Recipes World

membuat jus tomat
Tomato is one of the most popular vegetables and can be processed into various types of healthy diet. Start of soup recipes to warm up fresh tomato juices that have tremendous health benefits for the body organs. The price is affordable, easy to find and even, you can plant these vegetables in your backyard without the need for a luas.Sebenarnya, tomatoes categorized as a fruit, although many people consider it a vegetable. Besides can be processed into food and beverages, tomatoes can also be used to clean the furniture of copper rather than using harmful chemical cleaners.

Thanks to the content of vitamin A, B1 and C in it, drinking tomato juice regularly is beneficial to maintain the condition of your body in shape fit throughout the day. Besides being able to prevent various diseases, benefits of tomato juice can also clean toxins in the blood and helps the formation of glycogen in the liver.

Here is a list of the benefits to be gained if you are diligent drink:

     Keep you from prostate cancer thanks lycopene and carotenoids in tomato juice. While fiber and water content in it is useful to maintain intestinal health.
     Tomato vegetable juice is a natural antiseptic that can prevent diarrhea and other gastrointestinal infections.
     When mixed with spinach juice, usefulness is to prevent constipation and improve digestive system.
     When mixed with carrot juice, benefits are cure eye as night blindness, cataracts and sharpen vision.
     Able to lower high cholesterol levels due to fiber and niacin which can break down LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) in the body.
     Rich in anti-oxidants that are able to resist the growth of various types of cancer cells and relieve asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.
     Research shows drinking tomato juice regularly can improve skin cell damage due to free radicals. You can also make a face mask of tomatoes to soften the face naturally.
     Useful for bleeding gums, maintaining healthy bones and prevent bone loss due to the amount of vitamin C in tomatoes.
     For those of you who like sports, tomato juice for health benefits is helps restore tired muscles after exercise.
     The content of vitamin C in tomatoes is equivalent to citrus fruit, which is about 34 mg / 100 grams of material.

Various The Delicious Tomato Juice Recipes And Healthy
Tomato juice mix 1 apple

     4 red apples
     450 grams of carrots
     4 fresh tomatoes
     Ice cubes to taste

How to make it:

     Wash all the ingredients and then cut into small to be easily destroyed.
     Put it in a glass blender, puree.
     Pour into glasses and add ice cubes to your home-made tomato juice fresher.
     This recipe is perfect for those of you who are on a diet since it contains minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping you lose weight.

Tomato juice honey 2 original

     2 ripe tomatoes
     1 tablespoon lemon juice
     1 stalk celery, cut into pieces
     Enough water

How to cultivate:

     Wash tomatoes thoroughly.
     Brewed with boiling water, wait 2 minutes then peel the skin and cut into rough pieces.
     Enter with celery and lemon juice into a blender, add water to taste and process until smooth.
     Strain and pour into serving glasses.
     Add honey if you want to taste more sweet.
     Add ice cubes if you want served immediately or store in the refrigerator a few moments.

Carrot Tomato Juice
presentation time
5 minutes
total time
5 minutes

Recipe for: 1 serving

     100 grams of red tomatoes
     75 grams of carrots
     1 tablespoon honey or sugar syrup
     1 cup of plain boiled water
     Ice cubes to taste

How to make:

     Clean the material with water, sliced ​​tomatoes and carrots into small pieces (cubes) to be easily destroyed. Put it in the blender cup.
     Add plain boiled water, honey or sugar syrup as a sweetener then process until smooth.
     To be more fresh, serve with adding ice cubes on it.

Recipe carrot tomato juice mix is very good for eye health because it is rich in beta-carotene is also beneficial for the digestive system and the immune system thanks to vitamin C and antioxidants in it.

3 How to Treat Skin Mangosteen Juice Being Healthy

khasiat kulit manggisAlthough
it tastes bitter, mangosteen skin juice is believed to have tremendous benefits for health. In fact, drinking mangosteen rind processed proven to cure various diseases such as mild to malignant cancer. In the field of beauty, anti-oxidant content in it is also useful to overcome the signs of aging so you stay young naturally.
To cultivate mangosteen peel into juice, tea and other health drinks, easy way. You can make it yourself at home with simple equipment without spending much money.

Actually, if you do not have much time, you can buy the products processed mangosteen skin are sold in health food stores as well as online stores. The content of useful substances in it just the same, most importantly read the rules of use carefully.

What are the health benefits when drinking processed mangosteen skin?

     Strengthen the immune system so the body is more resistant to attack minor ailments such as flu, cough and fever.
     Because the immune system has improved, the wound healing process will run faster than ever.
     As well as the mangosteen fruit flesh, the skin is also useful to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and blood pressure control.
     If the rate of blood has been controlled, the blood vessels become stronger and heart health can be maintained.
     As for the digestive system, skin mangosteen juice drink regularly efficacious prevent diarrhea and intestinal inflammation.
     For those of you who suffer from stomach ulcers, skin benefits of the mangosteen fruit is a cure pain that you suffer if diligent drink.
     For those of you who are concerned with appearance, anti-oxidant substances in it plays an important role in the fight against free radicals so you stay looking youthful.
     For a woman, drinking mangosteen peel extract menstrual cycle when useful to reduce pain before menstruation (PMS).
     Prevent the buildup of fatty substances thanks to the benefits of xanthones in mangosteen fruit that help you lose weight.
     Some malignant diseases that can be kept and processed cured by drinking mangosteen skin are cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, HIV AIDS, gout and asthma (adjusted to the composition of each processed).

How to Treat Various Skin Mangosteen Being Healthy Drinks
1 Boil the skin then drink the water
For those of you who do not like to use the blender, there are easy ways to treat skin dark red fruit into a health drink. Ie by boiling water and then drink the mangosteen rind decoction directly.

The addition of sweeteners such as sugar or honey are also allowed and does not reduce the benefits contained therein. This method is fairly simple because it does not require additional equipment such as blenders.

2 Make tea made ​​from dried mangosteen rind
In some mangosteen fruit producing areas, the use of the fruit skin has been done long ago. They understand very well if this purple fruit only in certain seasons. Therefore, they look for ways to drink mangosteen skin persists despite not musimnya.Kemudian mangosteen skin drying method was invented in the sun before the skin where the fruit is cut in small sizes. Storage of dry skin is to be in a clean and dry to prevent the growth of fungus that can harm health.

The way of presentation is quite dried mangosteen peel brewed using hot water and drink while warm as you enjoy a cup of tea.
presentation time
5 minutes
total time
5 minutes

Recipe for: 1 serving

     Mangosteen skin are still fresh
     Sweeteners such as sugar, palm sugar or honey
     Boiled water to taste
     Blend all brands
     Ice cubes if necessary

How to make:

     Take the mangosteen peel then scrape the inner white membrane such that no thread. To facilitate this process, choose fresh fruit skins or buy mangosteen fruit then take advantage of the skin.
     Put it in a blender with water, process until smooth. Adjust the amount of water to minimize the amount of mangosteen peel bitterness.
     Pour into a glass and add honey or brown sugar that has been crushed to a bitter taste can be reduced. Stirring all the while.
     To be more fresh, serve with adding ice cubes on it.

5 Juice Recipes For a Healthy Diet Natural

langsing dengan jus buah dan sayurDiet is one of the methods to lose weight with certain provisions. You can manage your diet, reducing portion or perform a particular exercise movement. While the easiest way to get the ideal body shape is by drinking juice to the diet. This method is much easier, safer and enjoyable because you will enjoy a glass of fruit juice or vegetable juice drink that tastes enak.Mengapa fruit to the diet can be called safe for health?
Because the fruits are used as the base material does not contain fat, it is rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes that have specific benefits. Certainly thanks to the content you can lose weight naturally, healthy, and safe.

In addition, the juice to the diet tastes much better than taking medication that can cause health problems are at risk. Surely you do not know the ingredients used to make the drug. May contain chemicals or artificial preservatives that can disrupt the body's metabolism. Compare with fruit mixed vegetable juice that you make, does not contain any harmful chemicals or preservatives.

One of the examples of the materials used is where the apple is rich in natural ingredients micro-nutrients or macro nutrients. Its function is to suppress appetite so it is good to help the success of your diet program that is being run.

Not only that, fruits and vegetables are a source of various types of essential nutrients needed by the body when running the metabolic process. So, by drinking juice regularly you already run a healthy lifestyle without you realizing it

Assorted Juice Recipes For a Healthy Diet By
1 Carrot juice mix apples

     5 fresh carrots
     1 apple
     ½ medium cucumber
     ½ bits
     1 stalk celery

How to make:

     Once the materials are cleaned with water, cut into small to be easily mashed.
     Put all ingredients into a blender, process until smooth.
     Pour into glasses and add ice cubes if desired to increase the sensation of freshness.

2 cucumber tomato juice mix

     3 ½ cups chopped tomatoes
     2 cups cucumber (diced)
     1 stalk of fresh celery
     ¼ teaspoon red pepper
     ½ teaspoon black pepper
     ½ teaspoon of salt

The process of making:

     Enter tomato, cucumber, celery into a blender. Process until smooth and well blended.
     Enter the black pepper, red pepper, salt and then process briefly to mix perfectly.

     Pour into glasses. Enjoy healthy juice.

3. vegetable juice diet

     1 cup chopped watercress
     2 fresh carrots
     2 tomatoes, diced
     ½ cup spinach leaves
     ½ cup coriander leaves
     1 teaspoon black pepper
     1 teaspoon salt

How to cultivate:

     Take carrots then wash, peel and cut into cubes. Put it in the blender with the other ingredients. Process at high speed for fast smooth and well blended.
     Pour into serving glasses, add ice cubes if necessary.

4 bits of fruit juice mix vegetables

     4 stalks of celery
     1 small beet, diced
     1 cup chopped spinach leaves
     1 bunch cilantro
     1 tablespoon salt

How to make:

     Prepare a blender and then put all the ingredients into it. Process until well blended and smooth.
     Pour the juice into a glass, if necessary, add a little lemon juice to taste.
     Prescription diet juice is also very good for cleaning the body of impurities and toxins in addition to weight loss.

5. apple juice spinach

     2 apples, diced
     2 cups spinach, roughly chopped
     ½ cup of fresh lettuce
     ¼ teaspoon red pepper
     1 teaspoon sea salt

The process of making:

     Once all the materials are prepared, put in a blender together.
     Blend until completely smooth and well blended.
     Pour into a glass and add as much lemon juice 1 tsp.
     Add the ice cubes if preferred.

the h
5 minutes
total time
5 minutes

Recipe for: 1 serving

     2 bits
     2 red tomatoes
     150 ml plain yogurt

How to make juice:

     Take beet (beetroot), wash and then peel the skin and cut into pieces.
     Choose ripe red tomatoes and fresh then wash with water and then cut into cubes.
     Insert bits and tomatoes into juice extractor. Process until it comes out the juice, is contained in the glass.
     Prepare a blender, put the juice was into it, add the yogurt and blend until smooth.
     Pour the juice into a glass and serve immediately.

You may rely on dieting method by drinking vegetable juice and fruit on a regular basis, but diligent exercise will ensure a healthy body condition, fit while maintaining the ideal body shape remains.

Resep Jus Wortel Super Enak Mantap

 resep jus wortelCarrots are kind of bright orange-colored root vegetable and has a sweet taste. There are so many benefits of drinking carrot juice can be healthy for the body other than the eye. You can make your own carrot vegetable juice at home because it is not difficult to do. Mixed materials needed also simple and easy didapatkan.Kandungan beta-carotene and vitamin A in carrots is very beneficial for the treatment of eye diseases. Both of these natural substances needed by the body in maintaining healthy eyes and make your vision stays sharp.

Here is a list of nutrients found in 100 grams of carrot juice:

     There are 80 Calories
     Vitamin A is abundant
     3 milligrams of vitamin C
     0.3 milli-grams of vitamin E
     0.01 milligrams of vitamin B1
     0.02 mg vitamin B2

List of these nutrients may increase if you include other ingredients in making juice. In addition, the level of freshness of vegetables also affects the nutritional value in it so, try to choose fresh carrots.

10 Benefits of Drinking Carrot Juice For Health And Beauty

     Stimulate the appetite and nourish the digestive system in the body.
     Beta-carotene and lutein in carrots will improve the sharpness of the eyes.
     Prevent body breast cancer, colon, larynx, prostate, cervix and bladder.
     High carotenoid content efficacious to regulate blood sugar levels.
     For a smoker, carrot juice is useful to protect the respiratory system from the risk of lung infections.
     In the field of beauty, drinking carrot vegetable juice is beneficial to fight dry skin problems and treat hair and nails.
     For breastfeeding mothers, carrots handy in milk production increase and maintain the health of the mother and the baby's eyes.
     Improve the function of liver in removing toxins, if your skin orange after drinking juice bile means being cleansed of toxins.
     Balancing blood acidity and troubleshooting cholesterol naturally.
     Another benefit obtained is clear acne, fight anemia, asthma, constipation and bowel obstruction.

Various Carrot Juice Recipes The Delicious And Healthy
Carrot juice 1 orange

     200 grams of carrots
     100 ml of boiled water
     4 pieces of sweet orange
     Sugar to taste (if less sweet)
     Ice cubes to taste

How to make it:

     Wash carrots thoroughly then peeled and diced
     Cut the sweet orange and take the water
     Add the carrots, water and sugar into a blender. puree
     Add lemon juice and stir until blended
     Pour into serving glasses and add ice cubes to taste
     Serve for two glasses

Carrot juice fruit & vegetable mix

     4 carrots
     1 pear
     6 celery leaves
     Handful of parsley
     sufficient water

How to make juice:

     Wash all ingredients and peeled
     Put all into a blender and process until smooth
     Strain and pour into a glass
     Serve immediately

3. carrot ginger juice smoothies

     1 banana fruit
     5 fresh carrots
     1/2 cup plain yogurt
     3/4 cm ginger
     1 cup ice cubes

How to make it:

     Carrot puree with a blender and then pour into a container
     Cut the banana into small pieces, peel and finely chopped ginger
     Put all ingredients into a blender including carrot juice that was made earlier
     Serve cold

Papaya Carrot Juice Mix
presentation time
5 minutes
total time
5 minutes

Recipe for: 1 serving

     100 grams of papaya
     50 grams of carrots
     1 tbsp lemon juice
     1 tablespoon sugar syrup
     1 cup of boiled water

     Ice cubes if necessary

How to make:

     Sliced ​​into small pieces (cubes) of carrots and papaya material to be easily destroyed. Put it in the blender cup.
     Add plain boiled water, sugar syrup and then process until smooth.
     Pour into serving glasses, add the lemon juice and mix well.
     To be more fresh, serve with adding ice cubes on it.

If possible, select materials carrots and fresh papaya fruit that contains vitamins and nutrients in it can be obtained for the maximum. This recipe is helpful to prevent and cope with coronary heart disease.

Resep Jus Nanas Segar Enak Lho

cara membuat jus nanas
One way to enjoy a delicious pineapple is to process them into juice or juice. How to make pineapple juice of fresh pineapple is a very easy and anyone can do it. If you have never made ​​a pineapple juice alone and want to know how to do, in this article we will try to share recipes that are very easy to do yourself at home.

Simple Pineapple Juice Recipe

Materials Required:

     1 ripe pineapple fruit
     2 teaspoons granulated sugar
     2 glasses of water
     Ice cubes to taste

How to Make:

     How to make a basic pineapple juice is very easy. The first step you should do is to remove the crown, then peel the skin and cut into pieces. Do not forget to remove the center of the fruit because the texture is very fibrous and no favors to be consumed.
     Enter the pineapple chunks in the blender jar. Add water and sugar. You also d

apat use honey instead of sugar to sweeten your pineapple juice. Turn on the blender at high speed for about 5 to 10 minutes until all of the ingredients have been mixed well.
If you feel the juice is too thick, then add a cup of water and blend again. Pour the juice in a tall glass, insert ice cubes to taste, garnish

     glass with a pineapple slice and enjoy while cold.

Tips and Tricks:

     If you do not like the fibrous juice and just want to take the juice alone, you can filter the juice that you have made.
     The above recipe is pineapple juice made ​​in basic and very simple. You can also add a little bit of ground cinnamon or ginger syrup to add flavor. Just be creative: D